Rally with March For Our Lives


Another school mass shooting in Nashville prompted an immediate call to action from David Hogg, co-founder of March For Our Lives and Harvard University student.

In 5 days, student organizers, survivors and activists rallied at Harvard Yard on April 4, 2023.  Over 200 students, professors and supporters turned out to hear David and others implore people to rise up and take action. Those actions include contacting legislators to support Congressional bills, signing up to march for Peace with the LDB Peace Institute on Mothers Day, and petition Harvard to openly support gun violence prevention legislation.

MFOL Harvard Rally

Photo credit: Sophia Mendes

Stand for a Safer Tomorrow

To mark the 5 year anniversary of March For Our Lives, students from Emerson College organized a rally for a Safer Tomorrow.

On a cold and windy Saturday on March 25, 2023, students and supporters rallied to support school shooting survivors from Sandy Hook and Parkland. Stop Handgun Violence advocated for congressional action; such as Safe Storage, Comprehensive Background Checks and an Assaults Weapons Ban.

Safer Tmrw Rally

For Uvalde and Buffalo

In May 2022, March For Our Lives put out a call-to-action to young people to rally in response to mass shootings in Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, TX. College students on summer break took on the challenge of organizing a Boston rally in two weeks!

Thousands of supporters and advocates converged at Christopher Park on Saturday June 11, 2022 to support student activism and gun violence prevention. SHV advocated for a state bill to ban the manufacturing of already banned assault weapons in Massachusetts.